Cloud Security

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The contents of this Web site may be browsed anonymously. The National Security Agency Web site automatically logs visitor information concerning the pages read, photographs viewed. Chances are you could still hum a lyric or two from that hit or from the broodier „Anna Begins“ or „Rain King.“ But even the most devoted Counting Crows fan likely couldn’t sing the melody of the album’s title track, „August and Everything After.“ After all, it was never actually recorded and released. Counting Crows frontman Adam Duritz believes in the power of what he calls „mystery and mythmaking“ in music. „Putting a song you can’t actually hear on the front of the record is good for that sort of thing,“ he said, referring to the handwritten lyrics for „August and Everything After,“ the orphaned title track scrawled on the now-seminal album’s cover art.

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A security agency is a governmental organization which conducts intelligence activities for the internal security of a nation.